Big 6 / Big 8 Bets
Little else in the casino is more horrific than this bet, it's the equivalent
of plunking two slot machines down in front of a slots fan, one with an atrocious
payout rate but fancy graphics and sound, and the other with a half decent payout
rate but no bells and whistles. What do I mean? I mean the big 6 bet is the
fancy looking slot machine, and the place bet for 6 is the unglamorous one.
The fact of the matter is the place bet on a six or eight is exactly the same
thing as the big 6 (or 8), the only difference is what you get paid. For a place
bet on the 6 or 8 you get paid 7 to 6, but for the big 6 / 8 you only get paid
even money. Calculating it out this difference in payouts is directly responsible
for the house edge of 9.09% on this bet, compared to 1.52 on the place bet.
Translation, this is a major sucker bet, the casino knows placing the 6 or 8
is better than placing any other number, so
in an effort to stop it from becoming popular, they put a big fat 6 and 8 in
a sexy and easy to reach part of the board, which they collect better off of.
So instead of learning more about the big 6 / big 8, just get familiar with
placing place bets.
See the Big 6 /
Big 8 Bet demonstrated here.
All bets:
Pass Line Bet
| Pass line
bet with odds | The
field bet
The don't pass bet
| The come bet
| The don't come bet
The hard way bet
| The place bet
| Proposition bets
| Big 6/big 8
|  |